
Thursday 29 December 2016

Coopers Ale

When I was in my 20's i did a little travelling and ended up in Australia.  We all know that the aussies are famous for their Amber nectar and Lager was pretty much the drink of choice.

I did, however, come across Coopers Ale on my travels.  As the name suggests this isn't the standard beer.  This is an actual Ale and I was instantly impressed.

The beer is delivered in a bottle and there is still a little residue left from the brewing process so you have to pour it slowly to avoid getting a mouthful of the yeast at the end of your drink but this is not a major problem as this adds to the taste.

While I was in Australia I would have this drink every once in a while as a treat.

Imagine my joy when I arrived home one day a few weeks ago and found that my wife had bought me 2 bottles of Coopers Ale just because "she thought I may like it".  She had no knowledge of the beer or of the history we shared.

I was eager to try my little gift but decided to let the bottle chill for a few days.  I am afraid to say that not everything lives up to its expectations.  After the 3 days the beer was nice and cold but I am afraid I found the taste a little too sharp and uninspiring.  I am not sure if this is because the ale doesn't travel well, if I got to much residue or if my tastebuds have changed.

After this initial disappointment I left it a week or so before trying the second bottle, this time I poured it more carefully.

The result was a little different, the beer was crisper and tastier but still not as I remembered it tasting .  Don't get me wrong, I am not saying this is a bad beer, far from it.  It just wasn't the same as when I tried it in its homeland.

I think this is a beer left to rest in my memories of Australia.  I have since found out that they also do a Coopers Pale Ale, I may have to test this one out at some point.

For More Information feel free to check out the Coopers website.

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